Geo-tracking &



Target Driven


Sales Force Automation

Add Wings to your Sales Team to Fly and achieve newer unscalable heights.

MAssist is a Unique Automation Tool in the world of Sales that works as a catalyst to boost your sales by motivating the Field Force to perform tasks with greater efficiency and therefore increased revenue. What would be better than having an AI Assistant which relieves you of less important chores and allows you to focus on activities of higher relevance? Thus, lowering your burden and making your endeavors more output driven. MAssist works best for both the Senior Management and the Sales Professionals. Be it the CXOs or the Sales Force, it works flawlessly for all the stakeholders. We work with various industry verticals and provide customized solution as per your organization’s structure and needs. It is a Technological Innovation to be experienced. The realtime SFA solution which works in sync with the DMS.

Click here to know more on DMS.

Unique Selling Points of MAssist ...?

The Most Advanced SFA which works in sync with DMS and Promoter’s App.

AI Driven Reports

Now maintaining lengthy reports is not your task anymore, let your AI Assistant do this job. MAssist analyses your activities and automatically generates reports through its inbuilt Artificial Intelligence and that too in real time.

Maintaining log of Working

Whether it’s your Attendance, Meetings or Calls, MAssist takes care that none of your efforts go unnoticed. It keeps record of all your activities to maintain your work history. Also, giving you the facility of leave management through the app.


The unique industry first feature of geo-fencing allows the user to punch attendance or mark visit from a restricted area only. Also, giving the feature of attendance with a face detection selfie to check the authenticity of the user.

Travel plans and Expense

Chalking out the monthly journey plan and managing the expense is just a matter of clicks. Get guided animation routes on all your visits and manage your expense easily.

Device/Version Independent

Our App is available both Android Devices and iPhones, working seamlessly on all devices irrespective of their versions.

Your relation with your Consumer

We have taken care to give your consumer the best experience of your brand, helping in brand enhancement and keeping your consumers happy!

Recognition and Rewards

We believe that your diligence and sincerity towards your work should not go in vain. Therefore, to give you a motivational boost and address your excellent performance, we showcase the top performers on our app that can be witnessed and appreciated in your whole organization.

Quick Orders and Sale along with Accurate Stock

We value the time and hard work of the field force, therefore, our Order taking process and Sale punching is as swift as an arrow. Now you don’t need to jot down notes in diary, on few clicks, place the orders or punch sales and maintain the accurate stocks in real time.

Our Support

Being a customer-centric company, our support to our customers is beyond comparison. Providing solution and help to our users on immediate basis is our motto. Our support team works with you throughout the process of digital transformation as well as post implementation of the product too!

Self-accessible Data

No more forwarding of spreadsheets to your teams to access data. Now the data can be accessed by you and your team as per the hierarchy.

An SFA or A Social App?

Our app, though an SFA, works just like a social media platform, where communicating with your team or posting any activities is easy and fun!

No dependency on Internet

Everything on our app works in Offline mode. No hindrance to your work even if you are in low network area. Enjoy the hassle free working offline.

Setting Goals and Targets

Keeping track of your targets and the corresponding incentives

Exhaustive Modules of MAssist SFA

SFA’s AI capabilities helping the Management in strategization and decision making.